Sunday, June 24, 2007

New Look

As the reader will have noticed, The Communion of Saints has received a little overhaul in its presentation. I added a few elements that I would like to explain. In addition to past posts, I have added to the side column a list of the Fathers, Theologians, and Blogs that I enjoy reading. I do not do this to puff myself up; rather, in keeping with theme of the Blog as a conversing communion, I decided to share with you some of the people with whom I am in conversation. In the Blog section, each name is linked to his or her particular blog and I would encourage the reader to check each of them out. Some of them are former teachers of mine, one of them is a pastor, and some of them are friends of mine. All of them are worth a read. The Fathers and Theologians are linked to a short bio and publications list that will provide the reader with books that are also well worth reading.

Finally, I have posted my list of labels on the side. I have labeled every blog entry I have written according to category. The reader can click on any category that interests him or her and every entry I have written under that category will appear. This will also allow some of you who are not so interested in my theological musings, but care a good deal about the progress of my program, to check periodically and click on that category alone to see what I have shared. I hope you find the new layout engaging and easy to navigate.

The quality of my blogs will not be affected by the new layout. This could be a good thing or a bad thing.


Julie said...

Digging the new layout and especially the links to the Church Fathers...

Cindy said...

Love the new layout!

Jackson said...

Thanks ladies. You are my ambassadors of style.

Matt Purmort said...

Very cool Jackson.

Kelli B said...

I like the new look!