Monday, June 11, 2007

Irenaen Wisdom

Irenaeus has, in my mind, the greatest understanding of the incarnation of all of the early Fathers. I am prepared to argue for that. For the time being, I just wanted to give you a snippet of the kind of thing that makes this man's theology imminently beautiful and at the same time practical:

"So He (Jesus) united man with God and wrought a communion of God and man, we being unable to have any participation in incorruptibility if it were not for His coming to us, for incorruptibility whilst being invisible, benefitted us nothing: so He became visible, that we might, in all ways, obtain a participation in incorruptibility." -Irenaeus

That, my friends (with all apologies to Dorothy Parker), is true poetry.


Julie said...

When you post stuff like this I just want to go back to school and pursue a PhD. I want to lose myself in books about the saints I love and write a dissertation/book about what they have to say to us today. Only to resurface for a discussion or two (and maybe some mindless television here and there). Then I remember all the languages you're having to learn and I'm over it. Perhaps I'll just do the reading part...and maybe eventually incorporate all that into a book of some sort.

You inspire me!

Anonymous said...

I had to read it slowly at 2 different sittings, but by then it became perfectly clear and understandable and, I agree, profound and beautiful.

Boy if I went to seminary I'd need 80 hours in each day, so that I could read and reread every paragraph 10 times. Perhaps 80 hours wouldn't get me a degree either! My hat goes off to all you who answered that call and took on the challenge and are now so very learned! Blessings, MomK