Monday, January 01, 2007

Journey Friends

As Christians, we often emphasize the truth that through Christ, we are called sons and daughters of God. I think that it is a truly amazing truth, not enough emphasized, that God calls us His friends. And one of the greatest blessings we have as his friends is to have other friends in Christ. In my many travels, I have been blessed with a handful of friends who have each changed me and completed me. Their friendship has been a crucial part of my formation in Christ - and life in Christ would not be as exciting or as fruitful without them. Unfortunately, in the Kingdom of God, we are often together only for a time. The Lord's call leads us to different places, and we go because we know that time together is not as important as spreading the Gospel, that more might enter this communion.

My friend Matthew Eubanks, who will one day be a famous writer (though he has yet to grasp this truth himself) has written a beautiful poem expressing this somewhat paradoxical truth of friends in Christ. I urge you all read it at


Julie said...

Thanks for sharing, Jackson. I haven't been visiting Matty's blog as much. He doesn't write much for someone who writes so beautifully, does he? I comfort myself with the idea that maybe he's saving up all those thoughts in a manuscript in his mind. He must write a book...and soon!

Happy New Year to you and Jules!

Jackson said...

We have been telling him this all along haven't we? Hope all is well in Auburn. Hope to see you soon!

Thanks for sticking with my less than consistent blog.

Julie said...


I don't know about this, but I wouldn't be terribly surprised if Auburn was one of the few schools with a full-time chaplain. There's a real private school feel to AU in a lot of ways. It started out as a Methodist school in the lat 1800's and only evolved into a state school because they lost their private funding. So, it wouldn't be too surprising if there 's a full time chaplain. I'll ask the students about it when they return next week.

Blessings to you and Kathy (and you, too, Jackson!).

- Julie